Git Repo Creation

First make sure you have a git account. Goto this link: Follow the prompts to create your BIOE488 repo for the Fall 2022 semester....

   Jul 22, 2022     1 min read
HAL Tutorial

Hal manual for BIOE 488 “I am a HAL 9000 computer. I became operational at the H-A-L plant in Urbana Illinois on the 12th of...

   Jul 4, 2022     2 min read
MP Checkout & Submit Instructions

First: Git clone your repo. git clone bioe488git Here you can use any other name instead of bioe488git. Second. Checkout the MP release branch...

   Jun 21, 2022     2 min read

Hello students This is the syllabus page.

   May 15, 2022     1 min read
Welcome students!

Hello students welcome to the class number of credit hours level 3 Graduate Hello 5/24

   May 15, 2022     1 min read